Friday, October 16, 2009

Abs Machine - what the manufacturers of abs machines don't want you to know

If you’re reading this article, chances are that you have seen one of these many abs machine infomercials with sexy models with their lean, ripped abs. Chances are, that you have a few extra pounds and that you would like to get a sexy, lean stomach with a nice “six pack”.

Well the good news is that it’s not that difficult to get a flatter stomach, you only need to focus on burning belly fat and you will achieve both objectives – having a thinner belly and showing abs. The bad news is that abs machines most probably are not the solution to your problem.

Don’t understand me wrong. I’m not one of the those adversaries of abs machines, indeed I have a blog about abs machines and burning belly fat. I think that abs machines do have advantages and they are great for a good abs work out and that way help you to develop strong core muscles, improve your posture and protect your spine against injuries.

But most of the people that buy abs machines don’t want to strengthen their abdominal muscles, they want to burn the stubborn belly fat that is hiding their abs. Because you have to know that we all already have muscles. The reason that your abs don’t show ain’t that your muscles are too small, the reason is that you have too much belly fat that hides your abs.

And in order to burn belly fat, you need to burn body fat in general. There is no way to only train an isolated area of your body, if your objetive is burning belly fat you have to burn it off your entire body. And for burning belly fat, the best strategies are reducing your caloric intake (aka dieting) and doing cardio exercises.

So, for most persons looking for an abs machine, the most appropriate “abs machine” would actually be to buy an elliptical machine (or to use an elliptical machine in a gym). You could also just go jogging, but you have to know that jogging can be very tough on your joints (and the more overweight you have, the tougher it is for your joints). So an elliptical machine is the safer, healthier option. But if you really insist on jogging make sure to buy some good jogging shoes (specifically for jogging, so they reduce the impact of the bounce on your joints) and remember to run on soft surfaces (e.g. in a park, over the lawn, not on asphalt).

But if your objective is to tone and strengthen your abdominals and get more core strength, then an abs machine might be a good option.